No secrets

Posted by Amanda P on
Well, friends, it's the dreaded Saturday. Saturday is always a little scary. Especially when the hub is away for most of it. That means everything I eat is just between me and dogs. And Rom is easy to buy of with treats. :)

However, I've got this little blog to keep me honest. So I won't let you down.

I hope you can all be strong this weekend, too. Have a piece of Halloween candy or two - but don't let a day dedicated to candy lead you to feel any regret or guilt on Monday. It's just a day like any other.

Food Journal:

Breakfast: 3/4 cup cottage cheese with 1/2 cup assorted fruit (180 cals)

Lunch: 1 cheese stick, 1 pkg Carl Budig Pastrami, 1 pkg Lipton "Cup o' Soup" (200 cals)

Dinner: 1/2 cup pulled pork and 1 small serving eggplant lasagna (350 cals)

Snack #1: 1/2 roll wafer candy and air popped popcorn (260 cals)

Total Calories: 990 cals


Dianne said...
October 30, 2010 at 11:54 AM

Enjoy a wonderful Saturday! It's the last Saturday morning in your apartment. No more dreaded Saturdays--you'll have too many fun projects to keep you busy.


You're doing great!