Day Two

Posted by Amanda P on
Well, I had to start somewhere, right? And thus I'm off and onward to day #2 of...what? I don't want to call it a diet, really. Just life, I guess. Just choosing the healthy versus the fried. Choosing the low-cal/low-fat versus the candy. Choosing myself over stress and anxiety.

Yesterday was a success. You can look to yesterday's blog to see my food journaling for the day.

I also wrote up my menu for the week and did my grocery shopping so I don't have to make any last minute runs to...McDonald's...for a meal. Some highlights for this week's menu: Spinach Dumplings, Feta and Arugula Pizzas, Beef Crockpot Stew. Mmm. My stew is in the crockpot as I type.

My goal for today is to stick to the "rules" and carry on. I'll do my weigh-ins on Monday mornings. So you'll just want to wait 'til then to see how things are going on the scale. I can barely stand it. ;)

Food Journal:

Breakfast: Parfait - 6 oz low-fat yogurt, 1/2 nectarine, sprinkle "Just Bunches" cereal (160 cals)

Snack #1: Baby Carrots (12) and String Cheese (115 cals)

Lunch: South Beach "Pizza": 1 whole wheat tortilla, 1 oz feta cheese, 1 plum tomato, 1/2 clove garlic; and 1/8 cup mixed nuts and candy corn (315 cals)

Snack #2: 1/8 cup Dry Roasted Wasabi Edamame and yogurt (150 cals)

Dinner: Stew with Meat, Potatoes, and Carrots (350 cals)

Snack #3: Air popped popcorn (150 cals)

Total Calories: 1240


Dianne said...
October 12, 2010 at 2:07 PM

Kudos to you for treating yourself the way you deserve! It sounds like you have a private chef coming to your house everyday. (Note: The first time I typed that, it read PIRATE chef. Even grander!)

I'm checking up on you.

Carry on!

Jes Humrich said...
October 12, 2010 at 8:04 PM

Amanda, Can you come and teach me everything you know? You food for today sounded yummy.