
Posted by Amanda P on
I have reached the first weekend of my new resolve to be healthy. Weekends are always really rough for me. I get out of my routine. I sleep in too late and throw off my whole eating "schedule." I made sure to get up early enough today that I wouldn't been thrown off too much.

I'm about to go grab a snack and head off to the salon to get my hair done. :) Nothing like a little change in the hair to freshen up my feelings about myself. Hope you are all having a lovely weekend as well, dear readers.

Food Journal:

Breakfast: Smoothie: 2 slices frozen peaches, 6 frozen strawberries, 3 ounces lowfat yogurt, 1/2 scoop protein powder, crystal light orange juice (220 cals)

Snack #1: Baby Carrots (12) and string cheese (115 cals)

Lunch: Brown Rice Risotto and string cheese (220)

Dinner: Subway 6-inch Egg White and (cheddar) Cheese Flatbread Sandwich with tomatoes, olives and spinach (400 cals)

Snack: Air Popped Popcorn (150 cals)

Total Calories: 1105


Dianne said...
October 16, 2010 at 1:04 PM

Nine Eight Five?

That's all I have to say. Grrr!