On Your Marks, Get Set, GO! (Week 1)

Posted by Manda E on
Ok, so here we go. My goals for this challenge are to not only lose some weight, but to also start and maintain a healthier lifestyle...which is basically nonexistent at this point. Ha! So here are my five goals for this week to get me going on my long road ahead:

1. Actually EAT breakfast...I tend to have a hard time eating anything for breakfast since I'm in a hurry to get out the door and get to work.
2. Smaller portions at meal time, with healthy snacks in between each meal.
3. Drink at least 72 oz. of water per day. I tend to have a hard time even getting 8 oz. in a day. So I have a 24 oz. water bottle that I'll drink at least 3 of each day.
4. Commit at least 3 days to the gym this week for at LEAST 45 minutes each time.
5. No eating ANYTHING past 8pm. No munching, no snacking...NADA...I'll drink water if I'm a little hungry. haha!

Well, there they are. They are "carved in stone" so to speak...I think they are pretty reasonable and attainable goals. So wish me luck! I'll let you know what happens!