4th of July Week

Posted by Amanda P on
I had a SUCCESSFUL weekend! I can't recall the last time I did a perfect job sticking to my diet and goals over the weekend, but I did it this weekend. Finally! My weight is down a little bit, but nothing too noteworthy yet. I'm leaving town on Thursday, so here are my goals for this lovely week:

1) Gym at home M-Th with 2 days of swimming and weight-lifting all four days.
2) Work out at least one day on vacation (to make a total of 5 days this week)
3) Buy a couple pairs of shorts to wear.
4) Stick to my diet even while traveling and eating out.
5) Take the stairs instead of elevators as often as possible.

Here goes nothing! I won't be around on Friday to weigh in, but I'll do it next Monday!