Just Keep Swimming...

Posted by Amanda P on
Well, the gym last night was a whole new kind of adventure - I swam! I started with arm weights and 15 minutes on the bike. Then I changed and jumped in the pool. Swimming is HARD. I only could do 10 minutes. Hopefully I'll build up some stamina in there as time goes by. It felt good to swim, though. The pool was so warm. Then I sat in the sauna for 10 minutes. I would have liked to stay longer, but I started to get a little dizzy, so I decided that time was up.
I also went to the gym this morning. I did leg weights and the treadmill. I was going to also do the stair-climber but got a message from my husband that he was very sick and asked me to come home, so I did, of course!
Anyway, I'm doing well with my goals and feeling the burn. :)


Dianne said...
June 24, 2009 at 2:06 PM

I'm seeing a Mini-Triathlon in your future. Not mini as in the condensed version of the race, but mini as in the condensed version of you! :>)