Tips, Tid-bits, and Tricks

Posted by Amanda P on
My dear friend-and-former-roomie, Mari, commented on my last blog and requested any "tips" I might have on preventing pre-meal snacking.

I have two answers.

Number One: Planning, Planning, Planning.

I plan my menu for the week on Sunday evening and shop on Monday evening. I buy exactly what I need to make all my pre-planned meals and snacks. But, really, that's all I buy. So, there aren't any really great "oops, I accidently put that chip/cookie/snack in my mouth and spoiled my dinner" opportunities.

I also cook the entire (work)week's worth of lunches Monday night and pack them in tupperware so that there isn't that dreadful risk of sleeping past the alarm, or getting stuck on a call at work, and therefore missing lunch.

I also plan snacks. I have my snack basket full of apples, yogurt, string cheese, roasted garbanzos, chopped veggies, etc...and we both take whatever we are in the mood for to work to eat throughout the day - so we never end up starving. I try to make sure I have a source of protein at every snack and meal - protein takes longer to metabolize and therefore keeps you feeling fuller, longer.

The South Beach Diet Cookbook has become my best friend because it allows me to plan delicious meals that are relatively easy and quick to prepare. It typically takes me about 40 minutes to get dinner on the table, so that's enough time for Geoff to take out the dogs, change out of his work clothes, and veg for a minute before he gets too hungry.

Number Two: Exercise Early

Something about starting the day moving (even it's it's just a ten minute walk around the block, or dancing around the kitchen while cooking breakfast) seems to trigger the body to know that today - I am taking care of myself.

Good luck to all my fellow losers out there, big and small. And those those who are no longer losing, but hope not to gain (again)!

Exercise Report: I got up and went to the gym today. I spent 60 minutes doing cardio (20 cross trainer, 20 stair stepper, and 20 treadmill). Yipee.


Dianne said...
April 16, 2010 at 3:23 PM


It's like somebody morphed my words into your body..

That's a good thing, by the way. Keep it up, Lovey. The dreaded "C" word looks great on you.

Anonymous said...
April 16, 2010 at 5:04 PM

We at Small Dog Syndrome also have a question:

What are the roasted garbanzos of which you speak. The Small Dog Team is intruiged.


Steffanie Wing said...
April 16, 2010 at 10:32 PM

Amanda, that is the best weight loss advice I've ever heard! No more stopping at fast food because I forgot to take a lunch, or binging after I get off work because I didn't have a snack I could bring with, and definitely no more meals the hubby missed out on because I didn't know what to make and had to leave. This is my plan for next week! I'll borrow the SBD Cookbook from my mom :-D YOU ROCK!
ps. I'd like to know about the roasted garbonzos as well?

Mariana Gámez said...
April 23, 2010 at 4:45 PM

I feel so important, being mentioned on your blog and all =) Thanks for the tip! I definitely(do you remember you taught me how to spell that word? I do, thanks!) need to improve the whole planning thing. Now that the semester is over it's the perfect opportunity to get on it! I also really like the idea of making my meals ahead of time, because unfortunately my hubby is not as patient as yours... 40 minutes is way too much! hehe Thank you so much, I will be using your ideas and I'll let you know how it goes! Love ya!