Allegiance Olympics

Posted by Amanda P on
Well, today was a rockin' good time at work. We have been having a heath and fitness goal this year. The first quarter is over, so we had our "retreat" today. We had six 'events' consisting of scrabble, boggle, Norweigian golf, bean bag toss, pictionary, and mini golf. We were split into four teams and competed.

It was loads of fun. My team ended up "winning" silver. There were awards for those who reached their exercise goals. I was a failure at this last quarter - but so far this quarter I'm on a roll.

Exercise Report: I made it to the gym this morning and did 50 minutes of cardio (25 minutes on the cross trainer - killer. and 25 on the treadmill). I plan to walk the dogs for 10-20 minutes tonight to reach my goal of 60 for the day. :)