
Posted by Amanda P on
It's Friday and I'm happy about this. It's been a long week. Filled with lots of work, cleaning, cooking, vomiting (fantastic, right?), cramping, and general grump-faceness.

I had a few food slip-ups this week. It's my "time of the month" and the week before is generally a week of me craving carbs and sugar and feeling bloated and fat so I-might-as-well-eat-that-insertunhealthyfooditemhere-anyway. However, in general I've been doing well and mostly trying not to feel guilty for any snafus that may have occurred.

More importantly, the 'week before' is over now - and that means my appetite has gone with it. So, a couple days of no appetite should make up for a couple days of extra appetite.

My weight is a bit up due to the aforementioned bloating and inc. sugar/salt intake, but by Monday I should be back down to where I was and ready to lose that last 9.

I believe in me!

Workout Report: I got sick Tuesday afternoon. This prevented me from working out in the evening, cuz I figured my body should recuperate. Then Wednesday rolled around and I opted to spend the evening cleaning my [very neglected] apartment (which, by the way, looks fantastic now) rather then heading over to the gym. So, when Thursday morning rolled around and I rolled out of be 45 minutes before work - I vowed to Geoff that I NEEDED to work out that evening. He promised to make sure I did.

So, after dinner (pizza meat pie, kinda like a cheese-smothered meatloaf; 'twas quite delish), we hopped on our bikes and rode to the gym. I spent 60 minutes on the treadmill watching Project Runway. Then we rode to the grocery store for some - much needed - ice. So, 45 minutes of bike riding and 60 minutes of treadmilling didn't quite make up for my two missed days - but it was sufficient recompense, I think.

I did make it to the gym this morning as well for a 60 minute round-robin (20 elliptical; 20 stationary bike; 20 stair-stepper).


Lindsay said...
April 23, 2010 at 12:31 PM

Wahoo! Keep it up. And, I just watched Project Runway...so excited that Seth Aaron won! His collection was amazing!

Dianne said...
April 24, 2010 at 10:28 AM

I think I need a nap after reading everything you're doing.

Do your best. Be kind to yourself. Smile a lot. It burns calories!