Head Games

Posted by Amanda P on
So much about health and confidence and body image and weight is all just in the head.

I've been making smart food choices and exercising regularly now for, what, 5 days? And, yet, I feel slimmer, sexier, more confident and I've got a little added swaggar in my step. And, while my weight is down a pound or two - I know, realistically, that doesn't translate to actually looking slimmer.

It's bizarre - but at least it does provide that much-needed will power to keep going and keep trying and keep on keeping on.

Exercise Report: Thursday - I rode my bike to the gym and back and worked out there for 45 minutes for a total of 75 minutes of exercise (30 biking, 35 elliptical, 10 rowing machine). Today I slept in so I haven't worked out yet, but I will! :)


Dianne said...
April 9, 2010 at 12:58 PM

Seriously. The brain can be our biggest ally. And our worst!!!

Choose the former. I think I can, I think I can!