The Snack Basket Revisited

Posted by Amanda P on
Well, super-wife and lazy-wife came to an agreement today.

Snack basket = great idea.

Snack basket full of cookies, chips, rice krispies and other sugar/salt-filled goodies = evil idea.

Thus the "new" snack basket, or "reincarnated" snack basket arose.

In the fridge: a purple bowl filled with baggies of cucumbers, radishes, edimame, cheese sticks and low-sugar yogurt.

On the counter: an orange bowl with baggies of roast garbanzo beans, pita bread, and dried mangoes.

I'm already looking forward to snack time!

Workout report: 45 minutes at the gym this morning (15 elliptical, 30 stationary bike). 2 short (15 minute) walks with the dogs. For a total of 75 minutes.


Lindsay said...
April 6, 2010 at 12:49 AM

I want a snack basket! But I think I would consume all of the snacks in one sitting, except for the radishes.

Glad you are back to the interwebs and the workout, and not stuck in the bed. :)

Dianne said...
April 6, 2010 at 5:52 PM

I have a snack basket. It is brimming with:

Sugar-free jello, Diet Coke, Fresca, Crystal Light and yes, whipped cream.

Stick with yours!