Week 2...

Posted by Amanda P on
Well, last week didn't go as well as planned. No gain on the weigh in on Friday - but no loss. Sigh. It's okay, though, it's a new week! I can either lose, gain or remain. As long as I don't gain, I'll call it a success.

Goals for Week 2:
1) Gym 4 days, with weight-lifting on 2 days.
2) Walk the dogs before work daily.
3) Write cards to those who I appreciate (1 per day)
4) Plan my weekly food plan - post to the blog.
5) Do not buy any food outside of my regular grocery shop (Diet Mt. Dew does NOT count).

Stay tuned for my food plan.


Dianne said...
September 21, 2009 at 10:13 PM

I can't wait to receive my card! :>)

Great goals. You can do it!