
Posted by Amanda P on
As I was driving (my 15-minute drive) to work this morning, I was listening to my usual morning show. In the middle of my drive, they cut to a commercial break. In the 3-5 minute break, I heard a variety of commercials for insurance, car dealerships, etc...but I also heared individual commercials for the following: HCG Diet, Sono Bello (surgery free body sculpting), laser hair removal, cosmetic surgery (breasts, specifically), and Weight Watchers.

No wonder no one ever succeeds at diet and exercise. No one has to. We've got HCG (a 500 calorie a day diet...obviously you lose weight on it), body sculpting; everything to enhance, re-shape, and totally alter our bodies. Honestly, I like my body. The proportions aren't perfect. I'm a little short-waisted and I'd like a"more" on top...but it's my body. I want to treat it well, feed it the nourishment is deserves, keep my muscles strong and fit, and, most of all, feel good in my body. I don't want the easy way out (although I do wish the whole process of dealing with weight and food was simpler).

The "easy" way, as those commercials taught me this morning is by convincing women (and some men) that the way their bodies are naturally isn't good enough and that we need some sort of "help" in changing ourselves into whatever it is that we think they should be.

Well, all I think I should be is happy.


Dianne said...
September 17, 2009 at 6:08 PM

As a forty-something, I wish-wish-wish that I had learned to love my body twenty years ago. If you can learn that NOW slick, instead of suffering for a couple more decades, you will find so much more joy.

You can do it!

Dianne said...
September 17, 2009 at 6:09 PM

P.S. And shame on all of us for buying into all that garbage.

Except for maybe some restylane injections in my laugh lines ...