I think it's more like this ride I used to ride at Great America in California called Drop Zone (there's a version of this everywhere), but you start at the bottom, excited and ready to go. This is how I feel at my lowest weights. Proud that I had the courage to get there, ready for what's coming next. Then, the ride slowly begins to climb, as does my weight. Until I finally reach the top and I'm looking around nervous and just wishing I was back on the ground again. So, in a matter of months, whooooosh, I'm back down. Ready to start the whole cycle over again.
Luckily, my weight has never gotten really out of control, but a 30 pound swing every year is too much to handle emotionally. I'm hoping that I can keep my feet on the ground after I get to my goal this time.
As far as my goals for the week, things are going really well. I'm excited for my weigh-in tomorrow...although I am retaining a little water since it's...well...that time of the month.
Check in tomorrow to see if I've made any progress. If not, I'll keep chugging along!
Maybe you can start looking at "Drop Zone" as a positive thing. Drop the things that cause you pain. Drop the unrealistic expectations. And drop the pounds safely.
Boy that sounds easy.