Coming Clean

Posted by Amanda P on
Weigh in: well, 1/2 pound down today. Like, seriously? A half pound? I couldn't even get the whole pound? Sad day. BUT, 1/2 pound down is better then 1/2 pound up or 0 pounds, I'll take it.

And, if I'm being honest, I probably fudged my starting weight a tad...or two. On Tuesday I actually weighed 3 pounds more then do with that information what you will.

I wanted to kind of clarify myself to anyone who might be reading (although I'm pretty confident it's just my mom). In my ham shanks post, I told you that I wasn't really a large person. This is true. So, you may ask yourself, what is this girl's problem? Why is she making such a big deal out of losing weight?

Here's a little timeline for you:

Spring 2004: I was getting ready to graduate high school and go to college. I worked hard to lose about 20 pounds before I left for school.

January 2005: I gained the typical, 22...during my first semester at college.

March 2005: I tried the Nutrisystem diet. It worked. I had lost all 22 pounds I had gained. That loss lasted all of 10 minutes.

Summer 2005-April 2006: This was a particularly rough period for me. I got to hanging out with the wrong friends and really start using food as a way to deal with stress, anxiety, and as a mode of comfort. This resulted in a 30 pound gain. I was miserable. I had been doing this yo-yo thing for so long. And, here I was, now heavier then I had ever been.

Summer 2006: I went home for the summer and my mom helped me to work really hard to get myself feeling more confident. I lost about 20 pounds and was feeling pretty darn good when I went back to college for the fall semester.

January 2007: I had gained back all 20 pounds. Seriously. I was back to my peak weight. My roommate and I decided that we would go on a diet together. We worked out every day and I quickly dropped the weight again. By March 2007, I was back down about 17 of those 20.

August 2007: I got married. I wasn't at a low weight for myself, but I think I looked pretty darn good. I felt beautiful and it was the best day of my life. Then I gained the "newlywed 35."

April 2008: (Yes, just 8 months later...35 pounds gained in 8 months) I have had it. I can hardly look at myself at this weight. It's the heaviest I've ever been...and I'm worried about what my new husband must think and I have clothes in my closet that I can't even get over my knees, practically. I decided enough is enough.

April 2008-April 2009: I had made it my goal to lose 55 pounds in a year. I actually came really close. In April of 2009, my mom takes me on a girl's weekend and spoils me with a new wardrobe for my new body. We have the most amazing time and I'm feeling so great.

April 2009 - present: I fall back into bad habits. My struggles with binge eating that I thought I had gained relative control over come back to haunt me. I can't seem to stop eating. I eat a lot, I eat in secret, I feel shame, I gain weight.

Today: I am between 15-20 pounds of my lowest weight during the last year, and still 25 from the original goal I had set for myself. All those fantastic clothes my mom bought me? Only about 1/3 of them can still fit. I NEED to stop this cycle, not only for my body, but for my sanity.

So, although I may seem like some lame size 8-10 girl trying to be thinner for no apparent reason...but I promise you that it is more to prove to myself that I CAN do this. That I'm not a failure and that struggling with my weight may have owned the last 6 years of my life...but it doesn't have to own the next 60.


Stephanie said...
September 25, 2009 at 10:23 AM

1. I feel your pain
2. You can do this
3. your mom is not your only reader are so freakin cute... every single day
5. you are awesome

Dianne said...
September 26, 2009 at 3:25 AM

You are so darn honest. Thanks for being tough.

I'm not as tough as you.

Love you.