The Non-Diet Blog

Posted by Amanda P on

I've decided that this is the WORST diet blog, ever.

Why? Well, I've yet to lose any weight (in fact, I've gained). Know what that makes this? A non-diet blog. It's a blog to document my weight GAIN, it would seem. And that is something I don't need an audience for. :-)

Sigh. On top of that, I've lost my brown slacks (remember, the only work pants I have that fit?). Fantastic. How do you lose an entire pair of pants? I mean, a sock, I get that. But, pants? Sad day.

I need to jumpstart my life. I'm getting complacent in everything.

School - bare minimum.
Dogs - one walk a day, at best.
Gym - sleep is winning.
Husband - neglected (and I LOVE him soooo much).
Church Responsibilities - bare minimum.
Food - anything and everything.

Anyone got any jumper cables?


Dianne said...
October 15, 2009 at 10:03 AM

First of all, I think it would have been much more interesting and difficult to lose a portion of a pair of pants vs. the ENTIRE pair of pants. Did you check Geoff's work clothes?

Anyway, something has to drop from the list. And it's NOT you. How about not sleeping anymore?

Take care of yourself, little one.