Super-wife is Back

Posted by Amanda P on
Well, I made a pretty big decision yesterday. I discontinued from my Calculus class. I kind of layed out my priorities and realized that it (meaning Calc) wasn't even on the list...yet it was taking 10-15 hours of my week and really impacting my ability to be 'present,' successful, and happy in completing the items that do fall onto my priority list.

So, last night, instead of going to class and taking a test and starting my homework, I was able to go to the grocery store, make a pot of homemade soup, make pizza crusts for Geoff's dinner tonight, pack snack baskets, wash dishes, cook dinner for me and Geoff, and do some obediance training with my dogs. All between the hours of 7-11! It was good for the soul.

Tonight is my modeling debut. I wish I was a few pounds thinner...but I'm not gonna lie...I look cute! I was told yesterday that I need to, and I quote, "Select something that will help distinguish you as an employee and not a student. For you, Amanda, this is extremely important because you are so young in age. Suggestions include dress shirt, blazer, sweater vest, pearls, lipstick; although I don’t think you have to look like you’re headed to Church. Again, avoid white or pastel colors, and anything red. We love solids! We would discourage anything with large/dominant logos, big stripes, etc."

WHAT?! A sweatervest and pearls?!? I thought they chose me for this because I was a young employee. I'm 23...why do you want me to look like I'm 60? So I settled on a pink dress shirt with puff sleeves, a black skirt with a little white design (probably won't be noticeable to the camera), a belt (that's what old people wear, right?), and adorable pink heels. I also curled my hair. Maybe old people curl their hair.
Anywho, we'll see how it goes. Wish me luck. Or, wait, is modeling like performing and I'm supposed to break a leg...


Dianne said...
October 21, 2009 at 11:25 PM

Thank you, very much, for declaring the "old" person in your blog as age 60 and not, say, 46.

I know you rocked that photo shoot. Just like you rocked the soup and the pizza crust and the obedience.
