I've been really good at making excuses for the last 3 weeks of blogging. "I'm really tired." "It's my birthday." "It's a night out." "I really LIKE this food." "I look pretty darn good, why kill myself?" "I wanted to go to the gym, but I just ran out of time." etc...
I'm done with excuses. For real. Don't believe me? Well, just to show my dedication, I will tell you that I got up at 5:45am this morning and went to the gym! I did 20 minutes stair climber, 15 treadmill, and 15 stationary bike. And I will be going every morning for the rest of the week (and beyond). No more excuses not to go to the gym - because "I'm lazy and don't want to get out of bed" is an excuse that is off the table.
So, mostly I'm going to be focusing on exercise and diet (meaning food) this week. I started my day with fiber one and a yogurt smoothie thing (instead of milk). It was delish. Also, I'm trying to increase my water intake. I am making it a rule that I have to get in my 8 glasses (64 ounces) a day before I can have any diet soda. And that is motivation, baby.
Also, I'm going to make sure to take my multi-vitamin everyday. I've been pretty sporadic with that.
So, here's my new weight loss goals:
By October 30th - 10 pounds lost
By November 20 - 15 pounds lost
By December 11 - 20 pounds lost
By December 25 - 25 pounds lost
Overall, that's a goal of about 2-3 pounds a week. Very doable if I just stick to it. Which I know I can. And I will. :)
It reminds me of the song, "And the cat came back the very next day ..." but in this case, that's a good, tenacious, motivated cat.