I'll have the beans. No beans.

Posted by Amanda P on
So, last night Husband and I had the final walk through on our home we are purchasing (today!). Our schedules for the next few days mainly revolve around work and moving, so we will be grabbing some quick (okay, fast) food. Last night Taco Bell was the winner. ((For all you dieters/calorie counters out there, Taco Bell is one fast food place I recommend. They have their "Al fresco" items that replace cheese with salsa and start at 150 calories)). I ordered a hard shell taco al fresco and a side of their pinto beans and cheese. "No cheese," I requested.

So, the hub and I are sitting waiting for our food when I happen to glance over at the receipt for our order number. Instead, my eye falls to this:
I turn to Geoff and ask the natural question. "Does that say Pintos and Cheese, minus the beans?" We look at each other with big smiles. We figured the guys in back preparing the food would realize I hadn't just requested a side of cheese. We hoped.

We were wrong. The boy handing me my food asked me, "Did you mean beans and cheese with no beans?" "No," I replied. "I figured," he mumbled as he pulls something out of the bag and tosses it in the trash can and calls back for a side of beans.

Next time I'll just ask for the styrofoam packaging.

Food Journal:

Breakfast: Smoothie - 1 cup frozen fruit, 3-ounces low fat yogurt, 1 (large) tablespoon protein powder, crystal light juice (200 cals)

Snack #1: 12 baby carrots and a cheese stick (115 cals)

Lunch: 1 6-ounce yogurt and 1/4 cup edamame (130 cals)

Snack #2: 1 grap Blow-pop (60 cals)

Dinner: 6-inch Subway turkey sandwich (270 cals) To be fair, I bought a 6 inch, but I just didn't want it all.

Snack #3: Popcorn (200 cals)

Total Calories: 975 - I know, I know...


Dianne said...
November 2, 2010 at 10:51 AM

"I'll have a bean burrito, no beans please."

Ah, sweet memories!

Lindsay said...
November 2, 2010 at 11:17 AM

Taco Bell is my FAVORITE!