Don't Give Up

Posted by Amanda P on

Don't give up on me yet.

Top Ten Reasons I'm Going to Succeed:

1) My goal is not just to lose weight, but to learn how to manage the emotional side of my eating problems.
2) Success is measured much less by pounds lost as it is by confidence gained.
3) I have a rockin' support system.
4) I really, truly love the gym...I just have to find the right time to go (I'm thinking mornings).
5) I am not a victim to food, weight, or emotions.
6) Admitting weakness and insecurity does not constitute failure.
7) I am a worthy investment of the time, energy, and money involved in my goals.
8) I'm coming to realize that there is so much in life that is more important then my weight...and if I focus on those things, the weight will control itself.
9) I can do anything.
10) I'm beautiful no matter what the scale (or mirror, or button on my pants, or reflection in the glass pane of the door outside my office building....) says.

So, here we go again. To success!


Dianne said...
November 13, 2009 at 3:13 PM

A-freakin' men! Now go put on your weinerland shirt and be awesome. Beyond awesome.